What We Believe
As with many congregations, our worship services officially begin with the invocation, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Under this name of the Holy Trinity, we believe, teach, and confess that we are created, redeemed, and sanctified for life in this world and for the world that is to come when Jesus returns.
It is through God's very Word that we come to know of Him and His love for us through His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. This Word, contained in the Holy Bible alone, creates within us the gift of faith and service by the sole working of the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:17, Ephesians 2:8).
As we grow in the knowledge of our relationship with the Lord God, we recognize that each one of us from the moment we are conceived struggles with sin. Our sins create a separation between ourselves and God, and therefore condemn us to an eternity of suffering in hell (Matthew 25:31-46).
But thanks be to God who desires all to be saved from this condemnation (1 Timothy 2:3-4)! God the Father sent His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ to be conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. As both God and Man, Jesus lived His life in service to His Father (Mark 10:45), calling people to repentance (Matthew 4:17) as He exposed the wickedness of sin and inviting all to follow only Him as the way, the truth, and the life. For no one may be able to come before God the Father; no one may enter heaven, except through the merits of Jesus alone (John 14:6). Jesus was sent to take on each one of our sins, and then suffer, die on a cross, be buried in a tomb, and three days later rise to live again, never to die again. All this He did for you, that you would be forgiven for all you have ever done wrong against God and your neighbor.
Out of this forgiveness and through the work of the Holy Spirit, God enables us to view His commandments in a different light. These are not laws we are to follow in order to earn our way into heaven, but means by which we are called to walk in His ways as we serve the Lord our God and our neighbor. Although we may try our best, each day we will fall short in living up to the expectations of the Commandments. How greatly we need Jesus each day!
For this reason God calls us together as He commands us to hear His Word and be recipients of His gifts (Exodus 20:8). It is in the setting of the divine service that God leads us to confess our sins before Him and through His called and ordained servant, hear His Good News of forgiveness in Jesus. God calls new believers of all ages to receive His washing of forgiveness in the waters of Holy Baptism (Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:1-11), not as our commitment to Him, but His commitment to us. And because of our struggle with temptations to sin, God provides a meal of His Son's very body and blood, given for those who desire to leave their sins at the foot of the cross (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:23-32).
Although many believe in Jesus and that since His free salvation for everyone, all Christians are not on the same page. Sadly throughout the centuries, many differences have divided us in what we believe, teach, and confess the Bible contains. Our Savior Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a church body whose Biblical understanding and confession are contained within the Book of Concord. As we are called to recognize the serious nature of partaking the Lord's Supper in a means that may be harmful to our soul (1 Corinthians 11:23-32), we request that guests and visitors who are not members of a church of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod please speak with our pastor prior to communing with us.
The Good News of Jesus' love is for all, for each one of us needs Him every day. If you have any questions, please ask and we will do our best to serve you.